Right to worship: the Liturgy at the Armenian Church on Victoria Street, the Turkish Occupied part of Nicosia, 16/12/2018
''Perhaps the most chilling case of the consequences of the denialist architecture has been in terms of Turkey's unfettered, systematic and near-complete religious cleansing in Turkish- occupied Cyprus. Today, there are less than 400, mainly elderly Christians in Turkish-occupied Cyprus after 41 years of Turkish military occupation. More than 500 Armenian, Greek and Maronite churches, cemeteries and religious sites have been desecrated and demolished, converted into mosques, stables, public toilets, casinos, hotels, and military storage and administration sites. The same goes for the desecration of Jewish religious sites/cemeteries. The Armenian--one of the most important Armenian monasteries in Turkish-occupied Cyprus is finally being allowed to be used for picnics, not for religious worship. The Turkish occupation authorities will allow an occasional picnic and a sandwich, but not a Liturgy. This, again, grows out of the logic of denialism--again, no accountability, so applying the same kind of violations of human rights that were the genocide in terms of present-day foreign policy behaviors is what we see in this case, ''- the excerpt from the speech of Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou, A CENTURY OF DENIAL: THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE AND THE ONGOING QUEST FOR JUSTICE, Joint House and Senate Hearing, 114 Congress, From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, April 23, 2015, Source: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-114jhrg95113/html/CHRG-114jhrg95113.htm